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SóLODOS was founded in 2010 by Erick Jiménez, Víctor L. Carbajales and Maruxa Salas. 


SÓLODOS EN DANZA is a cultural platform, a social-artistic project that generates exchange and mobility among Ibero-American artists. Use different collaboration strategies to build a cultural bridge between artists from two continents (America / Europe).


SÓLODOS EN DANZA is a space for collaboration and exchange between public and private institutions, festivals, social and cultural organizations and artists. The collaborations are made thanks to the generosity of the people involved in the different projects. The platform offers scholarships, artistic residencies, professional technical exchanges, coaching with academics specialized in performing arts among others.


SóLODOS wants to promote the work of Ibero-American creators through community work, performing a collective choreographic exercise, building mobility between projects with affection and craft.


Erick Jiménez graduates in contemporary dance at the National University of Costa Rica. Master of Performing Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Master of Qigong by the Galician Federation of Kung Fu Spain, Graduated in Chiromassage by the Popular University of the Northwest, A Coruña, Spain and is also a teacher of Ashtanga Yoga.


As an interpreter and creator, he has an intense curriculum working in leading contemporary dance companies. He has collaborated with groups and projects alongside renowned professionals of the international scene. Erick Jiménez has worked and developed different international projects with: Will Swanson-Dance Project, Mikhail Bahrysnikov, White Oak, Breat and Puppet Theater, Patrick de Bana, Enclave Dance, Roberto Olivan, Roberto Magro, Will Menter, The Babylon Project, Rami Levi , Inma Rubio, Repertory with Hilde Koch, Frankfurt Ballett, Otra Danza Asun Noales, Leonardo Santos, Gustavo Ramírez, Cirque du Soleil, Nandayure Harley, Luis Carlos Vazquez, Joshua Cienfuegos, École Supérieure Des Arts Du Cirque Brussels, José Antonio Orts, Pierre Bastien, Ramesh Shotham, Pablo Coello, Team in time Carlos Ramirez, Nasrin Amirsedgh, The Babylonian Project, Eduardo Galeano, Helen Walkley, Christy Harrys, Nancy Seitz-Mcintyre among others.


Erick is also a dance professor, invited by numerous centers, universities and companies of international profile, as well as theaters and festivals, where he develops several workshops. Guest choreographer, teacher and tour director of the shows produced by the Centro Coreográfico Galego during the years 2007-2009. Teacher and collaborator of Deltebre Danza since 2003. Receives a prize for best interpreter Generalitat Valenciana 2010, Audience Award in Seville in 2007 and different mentions and awards for its creation and repertoire since 2000. Currently, develops his artistic career parallel to the management and stage production. He is founder of Foundation for Socio-cultural Cooperation and Development SÓLODOS. He directs the project and cultural platform SóLODOS, the festival SóLODOS EN DANZA and different platforms for research, management and artistic exchange.


Erick Jiménez directs with the artist Maruxa Salas the project SóLODOS


Master of Performing Arts from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid. Degree in Dance, specializing in Choreography and Interpreting Techniques, by the Alicia Alonso Higher Institute of Madrid. Ballet career of the Royal Academy of Dancing in London and the Professional Dance Conservatory of Madrid. Scholar of the Alicia Alonso Dance Foundation and of the Africa Guzmán School in Madrid. A grant from the SGAE allowed her to perfect her learning at the National Ballet of Cuba, where she has subsequently worked as a guest choreographer.


Prize XXIV Madrid Choreographic Competition-Artistic Residence in LSD in Movement 2010 / Interpretation Award International Choreography Competition Burgos-New York 07 / Audience Award Andalusia Interpretation and Choreography Competition 07 / Choreography Composition Award Superior Institute A. Alonso, Rey University Juan Carlos, Madrid 05 / Outstanding Dancer Award III Galicia Choreography Creation Competition 05 / 2nd Prize IV Burgos-New York International Choreography Competition 05 / 3rd Prize III Galicia Choreography Creation Competition 05 / Special Mention Choreographic Ibero-American Competition CIC / 04 / First Prize II International Choreography Contest Burgos-New York 03 / First Prize Young Artists 02 / Special Prize Theater of Madrid 02. Maruxa Salas created choreographic pieces for the National Ballet of Cuba, Centro Coreográfico Galego, Contemporary Ballet of Burgos, Chamber Ballet of Madrid, Andalusian Dance Center, UNA Danza Joven and Compañía Nacional de Danza de Costa Rica.


She worked with the Dutch choreographer Tom Stuart in 2003, produced by Teathre Spui from The Hague, Holland. In 2011 under the artistic direction of Roberto Magro and the choreographic direction of Peter Jasko, she danced as a guest artist in the show "'Una Storia Nella Storia" in Turin, Italy.


She currently works as a dancer and choreographer, and also directs with Erick Jiménez the cultural project and platform SóLODOS, the Festival SóLODOS EN DANZA and different platforms for research, management and artistic exchange.

ERICK JIMÉNEZ and MARUXA SALAS / Direction and coordination

MARUXA SALAS / Production coordinator

PABLO VARGAS  / Video and photo Costa Rica


JOSÉ ANDRÉS ÁLVAREZ SANÓU / Costa Rica Production assistant


© 2022 Design and development by Manu Lago. Neodans S.C-Sólodos. All rights reserved 

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