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Artistic direction

Erick Jiménez

Direction and choreography assistant

Maruxa Salas


Will Menter, François Merville,

Jane Norbury and Erick Jiménez

Sound space director

Will Menter

Sound space creation

François Merville, Erick Jiménez and Will Menter


Erick Jiménez

Choreography and movement director

Erick Jiménez

Sound design

Will Menter and François Merville

Sound sculptor and saxophonist

Will Menter


François Merville

Scenic design

Jane Norbury

Production director

Maruxa Salas


Manu Lago


Sólodos - Neodans S.C.

Association Neuf Portes

Centro Coreográfico Galego -

Agadic - Xunta de Galicia


Galicia Danza Contemporánea

Auditorio Municipal de Ourense

Concellaría de Cultura - Concello de Ourense

Concellaría de Urbanismo - Concello de Ourense

Concellaría de Educación - Concello de Ourense


CORPS SONORE is a work of contemporary dance conceived within the artistic current LAND ART.


The body of the performers, the scenic place where the show transits and the sonorous sculptures, reproduce an aesthetic and sound imaginary in the public that faces a landscape full of effects and sensations that make the observer a participant in the work.


CORPS SONORE uses the scenic space as a metaphor for the context. The artists dialogue with the environment and subsequently create the work. Thus a transformation is born through an experience that gives value to the communication of thoughts, a dialogue in many directions: landscape, architecture, music and dance.

© 2022 Design and development by Manu Lago. Neodans S.C-Sólodos. All rights reserved 

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